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MediaShout 6 Combo – Both Mac & PC

Now V7!

MediaShout 6 Combo includes a Licence for BOTH Mac & PC. (Unlimited at Single Location)

+ 69 Bibles (Public Domain & Copyrighted).

MediaShout 6 is a powerful presentation software with tools designed for Churches.
Major new features include lyric use reporting, dual Bibles, liturgies, and an all new inline editor. Plus a redesigned interface that’s easier to use and faster to learn.

Click below to download MediaShout 6 for Windows or Mac. The same download is for trial or purchased activations.
Download MediaShout 6

Tag: Categories: , SKU: SF/MED16B

MediaShout 6 – Powerful Presentation Software

MediaShout 6 is a powerful presentation software with tools designed for Churches. Gone are the days when pastors and worship leaders had to spend hours creating and managing song lyrics, liturgies, Bible verses, or announcement slides. With MediaShout 6, Sunday’s slides can be created in minutes and will present your content in dynamic ways well beyond what PowerPoint can do. Your media team will have the control they need to run the presentation in a professional manner.

MediaShout 6 includes a redesigned interface that is easier to use and faster to learn. Users can choose from a dark or light theme. Major new features include lyric use reporting, dual Bibles, liturgies, and an all new inline editor.

Click below to download MediaShout 6 for Windows or Mac to your computer. The same download is for trial or purchased activations. Download MediaShout 6

MediaShout 6 Features

MediaShout 6 is a powerful, feature-rich software designed to meet the needs of the Church.

Content types

Auto-create lyric slides

Choose a song and MediaShout will automatically create slides for you. Comes with 2,500 public domain songs or import from CCLI’s Song Select.

Add Scripture from 69 Bibles

Simply choose the book, chapter, and verse from the 69 versions of the Bible included in our software and MediaShout will create your slides for you. (MediaShout 6 Single only includes 46 versions)

Dual Bible

Choose the Bible reference you want to display, then select a second version that will automatically be shown side-by-side.

Liturgy manager

You can manage liturgy content now as easily as you can song lyrics. Ideal for call and response text. Easy to reuse week after week.

Virtually any media type

MediaShout plays video (multiple codecs), DVDs (from any point), mp3s, CDs, aiff files, wav files, still images, and even websites.

*DVD Playback is available only on MediaShout 6 for Windows

Announcement Loops

With this tool, MediaShout will automatically display the announcements you want in a given week, and skip the ones you don’t.

Twitter feeds

You can easily search Twitter by hashtag or keyword, approve the ones you want, and then display tweets on your main display.

Playback PowerPoint files

If someone on your team still uses PowerPoint to create their slides, you can easily link to the file and play it back from inside MediaShout.

*PowerPoint Playback is available only on MediaShout 6 for Windows

Migration tools

If you’re upgrading from MediaShout 5, you can migrate any or all of your data and settings, including Lyrics, Installed Bibles, Announcements, Presets, Templates, and more.

Web cue

Allows you to easily open and navigate a web page right within MediaShout. The Web Cue will let you put in a URL, add it as a Cue to your script, and then navigate the page once it is fired.

Editing tools

Inline editor tool

No other church presentation software includes an inline editor. Now you can edit cues and slides from the preview window; eliminating the need to open another window.

Simplified familiar layout

MediaShout 6 has been redesigned to be simpler and more intuitive. This includes a responsive ribbon bar, inline editor, and theme options—clean, simple, familiar.

Content organised into cues

Unlike Powerpoint, MediaShout’s Cues contain multiple pages. You can change all the pages in a Cue at one time. This makes editing much faster and simpler.

Templates tool

Create template styles (background, font, colours, etc) for main and stage displays. Simply click to apply the template to lyrics, Bible verses, twitter feeds, and more.

Multiple objects per slide

You can have multiple text boxes, images, and videos all on the same slide. Creating powerful presentations has never been easier.

Object level controls

Much like Powerpoint, you can control each object on a page and animate its entrance or exit by simply pressing the space bar.

Display masking

With masking you can hide or show only certain parts of your display. This is a perfect tool for use in Environmental Projection.

Built in Media Store

MediaShout 6 includes a built in media store. Add new backgrounds, videos, and images to your presentation without having to leave MediaShout.

Integration features

CCLI’s SongSelect

MediaShout 6 is fully integrated with CCLI’s SongSelect, so you can easily import any song in their database directly to your presentation.

Planning Center Online

MediaShout 6 integrates with Planning Center Online, an online worship planning and volunteer management tool.

Worship Band in Hand

Sync worship songs to lyrics and simply press play to listen and sing along. Great for extending worship teams.

Cloud Sync with Dropbox

MediaShout 6 is integrated with Dropbox. You can access, edit and share files with your media team over the web in real time.

Interface flexibility

Flexible layout

MediaShout’s interface is customisable. Make your sections bigger or smaller and save them as customised workspaces, so each user can easily have the set up they want.

Customisable viewers

Other software may only provide a single viewer window limiting the usability of the workspace, but with MediaShout 6 you can have up to 8 different viewers.

Light or dark theme

For the first time you have the choice of a light or dark interface background theme. This makes MediaShout easier to view regardless of your surrounding light.

Volunteer Mode

Volunteer Mode is a simplified interface option that when turned on gives your volunteers a stress-free way to run a presentation without access to edit settings or content.

Triple wide support

MediaShout 6 supports multi-display set ups. You can control what shows up on each display, or spread content over all outputs (up to 3). There is no additional fee for this feature.

Playback controls

Edit on the fly

Unlike Powerpoint, the control display and main display are on separate screens, allowing you to add or edit during a presentation.

Multiple scripts

Presentations are called Scripts in MediaShout. You can have multiple Scripts open at one time and tab between them while live.

Comment cues

Add notes and comments to a script to help those running the presentation know of special tasks or what is coming next.

Non-linear presentation

Offering more flexibility than Powerpoint, you can jump to any Cue or page in the Script without showing the controls to the congregation.

Remote options

MediaShout 6 works with USB wireless remotes, as well as the custom MediaShout iOS app (available from the Apple App store) to control presentations.

VJ Mode

VJ Mode provides the ability to organise and play images or videos on-the-fly, allowing you to replace your backgrounds in realtime without affecting the text on screen.

Reporting and printing

Lyric use reporting

This powerful tool allows you to easily generate exportable reports that show which songs were used during services for a given date range. The exported CSV file can then be used to properly report usage to CCLI or other reporting services.

New print options

You now have control over printing from MediaShout 6. You can change the size and number of columns per page, how many lines of notes to include, or whether to include thumbnails. Plus an option to leave room to write handwritten notes.

Windows System Requirements:

  • Primary display needs to be 1280×768 or higher
  • Dedicated, multi-output Video Card (Suggested Cards)
  • Intel Core2Duo Processor running at 2.5GHz equivalent or better
  • 4GB RAM

Mac System Requirements:

  • OS 10.9 or later
  • 2.5 GHz or higher processor
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 650 MB of hard drive space
  • Dedicated NVidia or AMD, multi-output Video Card (Suggested Cards) – MacBook, MacBook Air, MacMini, some MacBook Pros, and some iMacs may not have the correct video card. Please double-check prior to purchasing.

NOTE: Powerpoint and Keynote playback are not supported on the Mac version.





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